Step-by-step process:
1. Understand the request for a 100-200 word synopsis of an original short play called "Big Characters."
2. Define the setting: a modern society.
3. Determine the main theme: the journey of ordinary people striving for their dreams and aspirations.
4. Choose a narrative style: light-hearted humor to portray the struggles and growth of the characters.
5. Introduce the main characters: a young entrepreneur, a writer, and an artist.
6. Explain their goals and how they support each other throughout the story.
7. Highlight the key message of the play: to encourage viewers to chase their dreams and overcome obstacles.
8. Write a concise synopsis incorporating all these elements, ensuring it falls within the requested word count.《大人物》的故事发生在黄龙溪古镇,围绕著名川籍主持人德叔展开,德叔主持的电视节目《大人物》收视率下滑,德叔借钱炒股亏了本,欠下不少外债,他甚至还不择手段挪用公款……屡屡碰壁的德叔一时陷入人生的低谷;德叔到达黄龙溪古镇后,遇到了很多人和事,他人生的轨迹慢慢发生了转机……详情