The "Cream Cake" is a heartwarming and humorous short play that tells the story of a young female chef Amy, who experiences a series of hilarious and touching events in her pursuit of her baking dream. Amy dreams of having her own cake shop, making various delicious and tempting cakes with unique creativity and exquisite skills. However, on this road, she not only has to face the challenge from competitors but also has to overcome her own lack of confidence and fear. With the support of friends and customers, Amy gradually grows and finally wins the championship in a baking competition, realizing her dream. The play presents the persistence and courage of young people in pursuing their dreams in a relaxed and humorous way, while also conveying the power of food and love.一个已婚裁缝,对老婆没了兴趣,想偷吃,遇到个奶油蛋糕店老板娘,就想骗色,借用他一个风流单身汉朋友的身份进行勾搭。 那个奶油蛋糕店老板娘也想摆脱纠缠她的自己的运动员痴汉老公,就傍上这个谢顶男人,要逃到他家避难。他借用他朋友房间骗她上床,谁知第一次自己不行。第二次他又借朋友房间,安排朋友到自己家等着,谁知她喝.........详情